

Kysely dialect for PostgreSQL using the Postgres.js client.
interface kysely.MigrationResultSet
import { type kysely } from "";
const { MigrationResultSet } = kysely;

All migration methods ({@link Migrator.migrateTo | migrateTo}, {@link Migrator.migrateToLatest | migrateToLatest} etc.) never throw but return this object instead.


error: unknown

This is defined if something went wrong.

An error may have occurred in one of the migrations in which case the {@link results} list contains an item with status === 'Error' to indicate which migration failed.

An error may also have occurred before Kysely was able to figure out which migrations should be executed, in which case the {@link results} list is undefined.

results: MigrationResult[]

MigrationResult for each individual migration that was supposed to be executed by the operation.

If all went well, each result's status is Success. If some migration failed, the failed migration's result's status is Error and all results after that one have status ´NotExecuted`.

This property can be undefined if an error occurred before Kysely was able to figure out which migrations should be executed.

If this list is empty, there were no migrations to execute.