KV Session

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What | How | Why

A Deno module that provides a simple way to manage session data by combining Deno’s built-in key-value store with the SecureCookieMap from the standard library.

import { serve } from "https://deno.land/std/http/server.ts";
import { createSession } from "https://deno.land/x/kv_session/mod.ts";

serve(async (request) => {
  const session = await createSession(request, [Deno.env.get("SECRET_KEY")!]);
  const { value: name } = await session.get<string>("name");
  return session.send(new Response(`Hello ${name ?? "anonymous"}`));


  • Simple session management using Deno’s built-in key-value store.
  • Secure cookie handling with signature verification.
  • No dependencies outside the standard library.
  • Small enough to copy and paste read and understand.


  • Retrieves a session id from a signed cookie or generates a new 128 bit identifier if cookie is missing or invalid.
  • Creates a KvSession instance that includes some helper methods for common operations.
  • Prepends the key space for a subset of KV operations with a (configurable) “sessions” key and an id.


  • Exploration of the possibilities within the Deno ecosystem.