Jtd Type

This library is designed to be a Typebox style schema creator for generation of RFC8927 compliant Json Type Definition schemas.


import { Forms, Static } from "https://deno.land/x/jtd_type/mod.ts";

const UserInfo = Forms.Properties({
  properties: {
    name: Forms.Type("string"),
  optionalProperties: {
    nickname: Forms.Type("string"),
    // Note: Empty allows for any value
    customFields: Forms.Empty(),
  additionalProperties: false,
type UserInfo = Static<typeof UserInfo>;

// User info can now be used as a value to refer to the schema,
// or as a type to refer to a compliant data structure.

const fred: UserInfo = {
  name: "Frederick",
  nickname: "Fred",
  customFields: {
    foo: "bar",

const print = (d: unknown) => console.log(JSON.stringify(d, undefined, 2));

print(UserInfo); // Log the Data type
print(fred); // Log the Data