
A tool to convert Deno’s wasm and js created by wasm-bindgen for deno to js with wasm embedded.


Suppose you created wasm and js using wasm-bindgen by following the steps below.

$ cargo build --lib --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
$ wasm-bindgen --target deno target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/csrf_wasm.wasm --out-dir ./pkg
$ ls ./pkg
sample.d.ts  sample.js  sample_bg.wasm  sample_bg.wasm.d.ts

Use the following command to perform the conversion.
Please redirect the result.

$  deno run --allow-read --unstable https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Octo8080/js_with_embedded_wasm/main/cli.ts --wasm-file=./pkg/sample_bg.wasm --js-file=./pkg/sample.js > ./pkg/sample_with_bin.js