import * as mod from "";
Directives are used by the GraphQL runtime as a way of modifying execution behavior. Type system creators will usually not create these directly. | |
Enum Type Definition | |
Input Object Type Definition | |
Interface Type Definition | |
Object Type Definition | |
Scalar Type Definition | |
Schema Definition | |
Union Type Definition |
Constant string used for default reason for a deprecation. | |
Used to declare element of a GraphQL schema as deprecated. | |
Used to conditionally include fields or fragments. | |
Used to conditionally skip (exclude) fields or fragments. | |
Note that these are GraphQLField and not GraphQLFieldConfig, so the format for args is different. | |
The full list of specified directives. | |
Utility function which asserts a schema is valid by throwing an error if it is invalid. | |
List Type Wrapper | |
Non-Null Type Wrapper | |
These types may describe the parent context of a selection set. | |
These types may describe the parent context of a selection set. | |
Test if the given value is a GraphQL directive. | |
These types may be used as input types for arguments and directives. | |
These types may describe types which may be leaf values. | |
These named types do not include modifiers like List or NonNull. | |
These types can all accept null as a value. | |
These types may be used as output types as the result of fields. | |
There are predicates for each kind of GraphQL type. | |
Test if the given value is a GraphQL schema. | |
These types wrap and modify other types | |
Implements the "Type Validation" sub-sections of the specification's "Type System" section. |