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interface GetGuildWidgetImageQuery
import { type GetGuildWidgetImageQuery } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/x/discordeno@13.0.0-rc45/template/minimal/deps.ts";


| "shield"
| "banner1"
| "banner2"
| "banner3"
| "banner4"

Style of the widget returned, default: shield

Shield: Widget with Discord icon and guild members online count. Banner1: Large image with guild icon, name and online count. "POWERED BY DISCORD" as the footer of the widget Banner2: Smaller widget style with guild icon, name and online count. Split on the right with Discord logo Banner3: Large image with guild icon, name and online count. In the footer, Discord logo on the left and "Chat Now" on the right Banner4: Large Discord logo at the top of the widget. Guild icon, name and online count in the middle portion of the widget and a "JOIN MY SERVER" button at the bottom