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interface DiscordAttachment
import { type DiscordAttachment } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/x/discordeno@13.0.0-rc45/template/minimal/deps.ts";


filename: string

Name of file attached

content_type: string

The attachment's media type

size: number

Size of file in bytes

url: string

Source url of file

proxy_url: string

A proxied url of file

id: string

Attachment id

height: number | null

Height of file (if image)

width: number | null

Width of file (if image)

ephemeral: boolean

whether this attachment is ephemeral. Ephemeral attachments will automatically be removed after a set period of time. Ephemeral attachments on messages are guaranteed to be available as long as the message itself exists.

import DiscordAttachment
import { DiscordAttachment } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/x/discordeno@13.0.0-rc45/template/minimal/deps.ts";