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interface EventHandlers
import { type EventHandlers } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/x/discordeno@13.0.0-rc45/template/bigbot/deps.ts";


debug: (text: string, ...args: any[]) => unknown
threadCreate: (bot: Bot, thread: Channel) => unknown
threadDelete: (bot: Bot, thread: Channel) => unknown
threadMemberUpdate: (bot: Bot, payload: { id: bigint; guildId: bigint; joinedAt: number; flags: number; }) => unknown
threadMembersUpdate: (bot: Bot, payload: { id: bigint; guildId: bigint; addedMembers?: ThreadMember[]; removedMemberIds?: bigint[]; }) => unknown
threadUpdate: (bot: Bot, thread: Channel) => unknown
scheduledEventCreate: (bot: Bot, event: ScheduledEvent) => unknown
scheduledEventUpdate: (bot: Bot, event: ScheduledEvent) => unknown
scheduledEventDelete: (bot: Bot, event: ScheduledEvent) => unknown
scheduledEventUserAdd: (bot: Bot, payload: { guildScheduledEventId: bigint; guildId: bigint; userId: bigint; }) => unknown

Sent when a user has subscribed to a guild scheduled event. EXPERIMENTAL!

scheduledEventUserRemove: (bot: Bot, payload: { guildScheduledEventId: bigint; guildId: bigint; userId: bigint; }) => unknown

Sent when a user has unsubscribed to a guild scheduled event. EXPERIMENTAL!

ready: (
bot: Bot,
payload: { shardId: number; v: number; user: User; guilds: bigint[]; sessionId: string; shard?: number[]; applicationId: bigint; },
rawPayload: DiscordReady,
) => any
interactionCreate: (bot: Bot, interaction: Interaction) => any
integrationCreate: (bot: Bot, integration: Integration) => any
integrationDelete: (bot: Bot, payload: { id: bigint; guildId: bigint; applicationId?: bigint; }) => any
integrationUpdate: (bot: Bot, payload: { guildId: bigint; }) => any
inviteCreate: (bot: Bot, invite: Invite) => any
inviteDelete: (bot: Bot, payload: { channelId: bigint; guildId?: bigint; code: string; }) => any
guildMemberAdd: (
bot: Bot,
member: Member,
user: User,
) => any
guildMemberRemove: (
bot: Bot,
user: User,
guildId: bigint,
) => any
guildMemberUpdate: (
bot: Bot,
member: Member,
user: User,
) => any
messageCreate: (bot: Bot, message: Message) => any
messageDelete: (
bot: Bot,
payload: { id: bigint; channelId: bigint; guildId?: bigint; },
message?: Message,
) => any
messageDeleteBulk: (bot: Bot, payload: { ids: bigint[]; channelId: bigint; guildId?: bigint; }) => any
messageUpdate: (
bot: Bot,
message: Message,
oldMessage?: Message,
) => any
reactionAdd: (bot: Bot, payload: { userId: bigint; channelId: bigint; messageId: bigint; guildId?: bigint; member?: Member; user?: User; emoji: Emoji; }) => any
reactionRemove: (bot: Bot, payload: { userId: bigint; channelId: bigint; messageId: bigint; guildId?: bigint; emoji: Emoji; }) => any
reactionRemoveEmoji: (bot: Bot, payload: { channelId: bigint; messageId: bigint; guildId?: bigint; emoji: Emoji; }) => any
reactionRemoveAll: (bot: Bot, payload: { channelId: bigint; messageId: bigint; guildId?: bigint; }) => any
presenceUpdate: (
bot: Bot,
presence: PresenceUpdate,
oldPresence?: PresenceUpdate,
) => any
voiceServerUpdate: (bot: Bot, payload: { token: string; endpoint?: string; guildId: bigint; }) => any
voiceStateUpdate: (bot: Bot, voiceState: VoiceState) => any
channelCreate: (bot: Bot, channel: Channel) => any
dispatchRequirements: (
bot: Bot,
shardId: number,
) => any
channelDelete: (bot: Bot, channel: Channel) => any
channelPinsUpdate: (bot: Bot, data: { guildId?: bigint; channelId: bigint; lastPinTimestamp?: number; }) => any
channelUpdate: (bot: Bot, channel: Channel) => any
stageInstanceCreate: (bot: Bot, data: { id: bigint; guildId: bigint; channelId: bigint; topic: string; }) => any
stageInstanceDelete: (bot: Bot, data: { id: bigint; guildId: bigint; channelId: bigint; topic: string; }) => any
stageInstanceUpdate: (bot: Bot, data: { id: bigint; guildId: bigint; channelId: bigint; topic: string; }) => any
guildEmojisUpdate: (bot: Bot, payload: { guildId: bigint; emojis: Collection<bigint, DiscordEmoji>; }) => any
guildBanAdd: (
bot: Bot,
user: User,
guildId: bigint,
) => any
guildBanRemove: (
bot: Bot,
user: User,
guildId: bigint,
) => any
guildLoaded: (bot: Bot, guild: Guild) => any
guildCreate: (bot: Bot, guild: Guild) => any
guildDelete: (
bot: Bot,
id: bigint,
shardId: number,
) => any
guildUpdate: (bot: Bot, guild: Guild) => any
raw: (
bot: Bot,
shardId: number,
) => any
roleCreate: (bot: Bot, role: Role) => any
roleDelete: (bot: Bot, payload: { guildId: bigint; roleId: bigint; }) => any
roleUpdate: (bot: Bot, role: Role) => any
webhooksUpdate: (bot: Bot, payload: { channelId: bigint; guildId: bigint; }) => any
botUpdate: (bot: Bot, user: User) => any
typingStart: (bot: Bot, payload: { guildId: bigint | undefined; channelId: bigint; userId: bigint; timestamp: number; member: Member | undefined; }) => any