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interface DiscordenoShard
import { type DiscordenoShard } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/x/discordeno@13.0.0-rc45/template/bigbot/deps.ts";


id: number

The shard id number.

ws: WebSocket

The websocket for this shard.

sessionId: string

The session id important for resuming connections.

previousSequenceNumber: number | null

The previous sequence number, important for resuming connections.

resuming: boolean

Whether the shard is currently resuming.

ready: boolean

Whether the shard has received the ready event.

unavailableGuildIds: Set<bigint>

The list of guild ids that are currently unavailable due to an outage.

failedToLoadTimeoutId: number
heartbeat: { lastSentAt: number; lastReceivedAt: number; acknowledged: boolean; keepAlive: boolean; interval: number; intervalId: number; }

The items/requestst that are in queue to be sent to this shard websocket.

processingQueue: boolean

Whether or not the queue for this shard is being processed.

queueStartedAt: number

When the first request for this minute has been sent.

queueCounter: number

The request counter of the queue.

safeRequestsPerShard: number

The safe number of requests that can be made while preserving some for required things like heartbeating.

import DiscordenoShard
import { DiscordenoShard } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/x/discordeno@13.0.0-rc45/template/bigbot/deps.ts";