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interface ApplicationCommandOption
import { type ApplicationCommandOption } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/x/discordeno@13.0.0-rc45/template/bigbot/deps.ts";


Value of Application Command Option Type

name: string

1-32 character name matching lowercase ^[\w-]{1,32}$

description: string

1-100 character description

required: boolean

If the parameter is required or optional--default false

Choices for string and int types for the user to pick from

options: ApplicationCommandOption[]

If the option is a subcommand or subcommand group type, this nested options will be the parameters

autocomplete: boolean

if autocomplete interactions are enabled for this String, Integer, or Number type option

channelTypes: ChannelTypes[]

If the option is a channel type, the channels shown will be restricted to these types

minValue: number

Minimum number desired.

maxValue: number

Maximum number desired.

import ApplicationCommandOption
import { ApplicationCommandOption } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/x/discordeno@13.0.0-rc45/template/bigbot/deps.ts";