
Import Maps

In order for Deno to resolve a bare specifier like "react" or "lodash", it needs to be told where to look for it. Does "lodash" refer to an npm module or does it map to an https URL?

import lodash from "lodash";

Node and npm use package.json and the node_modules folder to do this resolution. Deno, on the other hand, uses the import map standard to do this.

To make the above import lodash from "lodash" work, add the following to the deno.json configuration file.

  "imports": {
    "lodash": "https://esm.sh/lodash"

The deno.json file is auto-discovered and acts (among other things) as an import map. Read more about deno.json here.

This also works with npm specifiers. Instead of the above, we could have also written something similar in our deno.json configuration file:

  "imports": {
    "lodash": "npm:lodash@^4.17"

Overriding imports

The other situation where import maps can be very useful is when you have tried your best to import a npm package, but keep getting errors. For example you are using an npm package which has a dependency on some code that just doesn’t work under Deno, and you want to substitute another module that “polyfills” the incompatible APIs.

Let’s say we have a package that is using a version of the built-in "fs" module. We want to replace it with a local module when the scope is https://deno.land/x/example, but then we want to use the std library replacement module for "fs" for all other code. To do this, we can create an import map that looks something like this:

  "imports": {
    "fs": "https://deno.land/std@0.174.0/node/fs.ts"
  "scopes": {
    "https://deno.land/x/example": {
      "fs": "./patched/fs.ts"